Hi folks, this week I want to talk about growth and comfort. This is an extension of the last letter so please go read that one to see the progress of thought. Before I start I’ll just say that this isn’t about campers, but it is tied to what motivates us and what helps us navigate and become. I hope that this writing builds you up and gives you something to consider.
The last blog and this one are based on adversity, perseverance, the development of character, values, purpose, growth and comfort. They were written in a notebook along a hike and each paragraph connects to the next. I’ll share paragraph 3 now and explain it in depth:
“the greater the adversity the greater the opportunity to develop wisdom and strength of character and a distillation of values. We all need a purpose to stay alive, something that challenges us beyond the pursuit of comfort.
Decide today to become a little more than you were yesterday. At the end of every day you should be able to point to something that was growth of character, no matter how small.
Because it doesn’t matter how fast you grow. It matters that your ratio of growth to comfort is greater, it matters that your ratio education to entertainment is greater, it matters that your ratio of response to reaction is greater. You are designed to grow, you are designed to learn, you are designed to respond.”
Wisdom is context, it’s about comparing the far ends of truth and experience and sharing it in the least amount of words. The greater the complexity in front of us, the greater the wisdom we need to be equipped with to navigate through. The greater the complexity we navigate the greater the context we gain as an outcome.
This is what I’m saying: there’s something good about experiencing a diversity of life, and where we often grow the most is past the edge of our comfort zone, right where we don’t want to be.
But when you make it through, youve gained something that can never be taken away. It might be as simple as a greater ability to empathise with another; It might be the new ability to articulate the right type of encouragment to help others through too. But you gain something that can be used for good.
I want to sum it all up by saying this: Your wisdom will never go unused. You’ve got a purpose.
Don’t worry about tomorrow. After all, today is the tomorrow you worried about yesterday. You’re doing great. Keep giving today your best.
Sincerely from my heart to yours,